Gift Like a Beauty Boss: The Melanie Mayron Edition

We asked a few of our favorite beauty bosses to reveal their holiday wish lists
Gift Like a Beauty Boss: The Melanie Mayron Edition
Who: Melanie Mayron

The actor, director, and Mayron’s Goods founder whips up her “responsibly conceived” products alongside her father (an accomplished pharmaceutical chemist) so you can baby your skin no matter the season.

What She’s Giving:

1. “Our HANDS Nourishing Cream is amazing and I’m addicted to it. Plus, it’s getting cold, so people need hand cream. Likewise with our Face Oil. My father outdid himself with that one—the formula makes your skin feel incredible. I use it every day for hydration and it does the trick! Our Coconut Deodorant is natural, vegan, and I swear it smells good enough to eat!”

2. “My friend Margo has a brand called Tatine that makes amazing candles in Chicago. I love to support women-owned businesses.”

Tatine Candles

3. “A meal at a restaurant is my go-to gift because we can all enjoy the food. I like to order family style so everyone can taste everything and a nice Pinot Noir never hurts. Some of my favorite spots in West Hollywood: The Henry, Electric Owl, Spartina, and Granville.”

Electric Owl

I mix bath salts with essential oils like tea tree and lavender. I fill little jars with these healing blends.

What She’d Like to Receive: “Love from my kids, my friends, my two dogs, and whoever else may cross my path!”

How She Gives Back: “The National Women’s Health Network in Washington, D.C. I donate to them every year. They help fund research laboratories that are working [to cure] things like heart disease, which is the biggest killer of women. Most medical testing is done on men—not the female body. By giving to women’s health research, I hope to even the playing field just a bit!”

Her Homemade Gift: “I mix bath salts with essential oils like tea tree and lavender. I fill little jars with these healing blends.”

Her Holiday Plans: “Spending time with my two 21-year-old children and dear friends.”

Her De-Stress Strategy: “Wine, especially Lambrusco, pasta, and a Boxing Day Party.”

Written by Amber Kallor

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